International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Multi-faceted Challenges and Positive Adaptations of Burmese Muslims in Myanmar: A Conceptual Framework for Conflict Resolutions

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Burmese Muslims have encountered multi-dimensional challenges in their political, social, economic, and personal well-being of their lives for many years in Myanmar. Throughout the political history of Myanmar, the incidents such as religious riots, and ethno-religious discrimination have been occurred under different political regimes. The focus of this study is to explore what kind of the challenges that Burmese Muslims encounter under successive governments and how they are adapting to evolving challenges in Myanmar. This study is based on the qualitative research, and case study method. This research explores the perceptions of selected nine Myanmar Muslim political leaders to enhance the understanding of why and how Burmese Muslims have been utilized in the political landscape of Myanmar and what are the possible conflict resolutions. The source of the data was collected in the form of semi-structured interviews on face-to-face as well as virtual platform of communications. The findings of this study reveal that Burmese Muslims in Myanmar have gone through the socio-political challenges due to the weak rule of laws, and religion has been utilized in politics. Burmese Muslims in Myanmar have proved to be trying to adapt to the challenges with their resilient attitudes and assistance from community networks. A conceptual frame work for conflict resolutions is presented to explain how to help the people from conflicted-affected communities in order to reduce social fragmentation and promoting a sense of community. This study reveals that considerations of human rights for all citizens, as well as rule of law is fundamental to peace and security of any nation. The findings of this study can give insights for policymakers, government officials and social welfare department to come up with a strategic plan for race and religious integration in developing countries.
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