International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Antecedents Influencing The Work Readiness among Selected Practical Training Students in Malaysia

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This empirical study aims to examine the antecedents influencing the work readiness among selected practical training students in Malaysia. One of the ways to produce high quality graduates is through practical training. The variables selected for this research are work readiness (WR), personal relations (PR), training experience (TE), job experience (JE), and learning experience (LE). This research is a quantitative study in which questionnaire were distributed to the practical training students from Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM). A total number of 374 samples have been carefully selected for the analysis. Data analysis for this study is using the SPSS. Based on the result, it indicates that learning experience (LE) is the most significant factor that influence work readiness. The result of this study is essential to highlight the importance of factors that contribute to work readiness in the Malaysian context.
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