International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Eco-Tourism Crafts Products of Temiar

Open access

Tengku Mariam, Hafis Simin, Sahar Sa’di Hashim, Atikah Lokman, Hajar Munirah, Ain Nurisha

Pages 451-460 Received: 09 Jan, 2024 Revised: 11 Feb, 2024 Published Online: 13 Mar, 2024
The handicrafts of the Temiar combine hand skills, creativity and local knowledge to create a unique and beautiful work that has its own function in community life. It has a long history, and its cultural values are closely related to religion, daily norms and mythology of a society. This art treasure has started opening opportunities for the country's eco-tourism industry. Previous studies conducted by several scholars have proven that eco-tourism activities for the Orang Asli community can improve the community's socioeconomic status. This study uses qualitative research methods with an ethnographic approach to achieve the objectives set. An ethnographic approach is used because this study requires direct research from informants. This study will identify various Temiar handicrafts that serve as eco-tourism products in the local area.
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