International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


The Critical Success Factors of Agrotourism Real Estate Investment

Open access
Agtourism, or the practice of attracting tourists to visit and experience agricultural and rural areas, has gained popularity in recent years as a way for farmers and rural communities to diversify their income streams and attract new visitors. However, like any business venture, success in agritourism real estate investment is not guaranteed and depends on various factors. Therefore, the question arises what are the critical success factors that impact real estate investment in agrotourism? Therefore, this study was conducted to determine the critical success factors of real estate investment in Malaysia. To achieve this objective, previous studies were used to identify the factors listed and critical success factors (CFS) were used to analyze the data. The findings of the study found that one of the successes of agrotourism is the location of real estate, the quality of natural resources and local culture, the demand from tourists for farm-based experiences, the types of activities offered, the management and marketing of real estate, the stability of the local economy, the development of infrastructure and the availability of financing for development. In conclusion, when there is a growing interest in agrotourism because of its potential in providing economic and social benefits for rural communities.
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