The study investigates the impact of AI influencers’ perceived credibility (AIIs’PC) on Chinese consumers’ purchase intention (PI), as well as the moderating effect of product-endorse fit with the brand (PEFB) on the relationship between AIIs’PC and PI. AIIs’PC refers to the level of trust consumers have in AI influencers and their perception of the reliability and authenticity of the information, recommendations, or product endorsements provided by them. AIIs’PC includes attractiveness, trustworthiness, and expertise. PEFB denotes the relevance or congruence between the product endorser (AI influencer) and the brand being promoted. This alignment involves whether the image, traits, and values of the product endorser align with the positioning, image, and values of the brand. Previous literature on human influencer marketing has indicated that consumers’ purchase intention is influenced by AIIs’PC and PEFB, but the research results remain mixed and inconclusive. Specifically, there is a lack of relevant research on the moderating effect of PEFB on the relationship between AIIs’PC and PI in the context of AI influencer marketing. Therefore, this study discusses the relationship between AIIs’PC and PI and the moderating effect of PEFB on the relationship between AIIs’PC and PI. Ultimately, this research can enrich the existing body of knowledge on consumer behavior in the context of AI influencer marketing.
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