International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Narrative Structure in Ancient Arabic Prose: An Applied Study in the Tales of "Kalila and Dimna" by Ibn al-Muqaffa'

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This research aims to study the narrative structure in ancient Arabic prose through the book "Kalila and Dimna," to uncover how the ancient Arab narrator employed various narrative techniques, realizing their value, and presenting them in new formats and artistic templates that served his purposes and objectives. The problem addressed in this research is related to the contention made by some that "Kalila and Dimna" is nothing more than a translation of some Persian or Indian stories, and that translation, no matter how accurate, does not capture the essence, soul, and spirit of the original text. Hence, the researcher found it necessary to write about this book to reveal its artistic value and the extent of Ibn al-Muqaffa's skill in those stories using a literary style that reflects the aesthetics of ancient Arabic literary prose. The researcher adopted an integrated approach that combines descriptive, analytical, and historical methods. The research concluded that the narrative storytelling produced by Ibn al-Muqaffa' was characterized by objective features and artistic characteristics that are foundational in their traditions. Furthermore, their influences are still evident in literature in general and storytelling in particular. The resurgence of mythical narrative in post-modern fiction is a confirmation of this reality. This may encourage researchers to focus on ancient storytelling, which is still distant from the concerns of modern narrative theorists.
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