International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


The Virtues of Surah Maryam Through its Correlation with Al-Rahman

Open access

Qaziah Fatihah Berhanuddin, Mohd Sukki Othman, Nik Farhan Mustapha, Wan Muhammad Wan Sulong

Pages 209-224 Received: 05 Jan, 2024 Revised: 07 Feb, 2024 Published Online: 09 Mar, 2024
This paper aims at determining the virtues of Surah Maryam based on the roles of Al-Rahman through a thematic-structural analysis by following al-Nazm’s theory of coherence initiated by Farahi. The approach of this method includes three structural steps: sectioning the arguments, determining potential keywords, and determining the central point that is considered the core result from this research. This scientific method applied in the Quran has been initiating a deeper sectional investigation between the verses, or among the surahs, by what is known among some Quran’s experts as ‘interpreting Quran with Quran’ approach. Finally, there are ten virtues can be concluded from this correlation, in which one of them leads to a potential finding about the existence of an organic order in the whole Quran that takes Surah Maryam and its correlation with the word Al-Rahman as the emergence. In addition, a refined understanding about Ibrahim’s foundation of faith being a subsequent central point of Surah Maryam is justified in the end of the analysis.
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