International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Protecting She Ethnic Minority Sports: Challenges and Strategies in Intangible Cultural Heritage

Open access
Preserving the intangible cultural heritage (ICH) of sports among the She ethnic minority in China confronts substantial hurdles amidst modernization, globalization, and shifting generational interests. The absence of formal documentation and official recognition, coupled with inadequate integration into educational curricula and extracurricular activities, impedes the effective dissemination and preservation of these traditional She sports. Addressing this challenge requires a comprehensive understanding of the specific barriers faced by the She ethnic minority, as well as the formulation of targeted strategies to overcome them, ensuring the continued vitality and transmission of their sporting heritage. The research purpose are addressing challenges and developing strategies in intangible cultural heritage. This research utilized a library-based research method, focusing on academic journal articles. The research findings highlight a range of challenges and corresponding strategies concerning the preservation of intangible cultural heritage within the She ethnic minority community. These challenges encompass the preservation of She sports heritage, intergenerational inheritance difficulties in traditional sports, and the need to bridge generational divides. To address these challenges, proposed strategies include integrating She sports into educational curricula and extracurricular activities effectively, leveraging advanced technologies for preservation efforts, and fostering a deeper understanding of the cultural and social significance of She sports within the broader community. In conclusion, addressing challenges and implementing effective strategies for preserving She ethnic minority sports heritage is crucial for cultural preservation. This research underscores the importance of culturally sensitive approaches to heritage preservation and highlights the potential for cross-cultural collaboration in global heritage conservation efforts. Recommendations include integrating She sports heritage into educational curricula, leveraging technology for preservation, and fostering greater awareness of cultural significance through community engagement.
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