International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Academic Citizenship Behaviour Mediates Between Green Performance Management, Green Training and Development, and Organization Environmental Performance in The Jordanian Government Universities

Open access
Purpose: This paper aims to examine the academic citizenship behaviour mediating the effect between Green Performance Management, green training and development, and organization environmental performance in Jordanian government universities.
Research methodology: The paper contributes to filling this research gap by examining these effects. A sample of 404 employees in the Jordanian Government universities was analysed using contemporary variance-based structural equation modelling (Amos - SEM) software.
Results: Results: The findings revealed a favorable correlation between green training and development and two key variables: academic citizenship behavior and organizational environmental performance. Similarly, a positive relationship was observed between green performance management and both academic citizenship behavior and organizational environmental performance. Additionally, a direct positive association emerged between academic citizenship behavior and organizational environmental performance. Moreover, the results unveiled the mediating role of academic citizenship behavior in the relationship between green training and development, as well as green performance management, and organizational environmental performance.
Conclusion: This study offers valuable insights for HRM practitioners, emphasizing the significance of Green HRM practices in augmenting organizational environmental performance.
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