International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Evaluation of the Content Validity Index of a Job Satisfaction Instrument on Performance among Tourism Lecturers in a Malaysian Vocational College

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The purpose of this research is to assess the content validity of the Work Satisfaction Towards Job Performance instrument, specifically in the context of vocational lecturers' job performance, utilising the Content Validity Index (CVI). The evaluation involved the perspectives of seven experts, selected based on predefined criteria outlined within this study. The validation process employed two key indices: the Item Content Validity Index (I-CVI) and the Scale Content Validity Index (S-CVI) to assess the content's validity. The study focused on examining five distinct constructs related to job satisfaction, encompassing various aspects such as the work environment, salary, colleagues, workload, and job performance. These constructs were derived from a compilation of 64 items, incorporating insights from the dual-factor theory perspective (Herzberg, 1959) and the Vocational Colleges Malaysia Performance Assessment Form (PBPPP, 2015). The I-CVI values ranged from 0.8 5 to 1.00, while the S-CVI/AV for each construct attained the following scores: 1.00 for the work environment, salary, and colleagues, 0.97 for workload, and 1.00 for job performance. These results align with established standards, affirming the substantial content validity of the job satisfaction instrument in the context of job performance assessment among vocational lecturers. In conclusion, the findings substantiate the suitability of the job satisfaction instrument as a reliable measurement tool within this research. Further recommendations include conducting comprehensive statistical analyses to ensure the reliability of the developed constructs.
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