International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


The Relationship between Language Learning Strategies and Attitudes in Learning Speaking Skills in an Online Learning Environment

Open access
The current Covid-19 pandemic has shifted the learning environment to a fully online learning setting in most parts of the world. Language learners have to change their learning strategies to be able to adapt to the changes made. Hence, this study was carried out to identify the language learning strategies used by learners and the relationship between language learning strategies and learners’ attitudes when learning speaking skills in an online learning environment. 175 second language learners from a Polytechnic in Sarawak, Malaysia was involved in this study. This quantitative study adapted the Strategy Inventory for Language Learning (SILL), and the data were collected online through Google Form. The findings indicated that affective strategies were the most frequently used strategies, while social strategies were the least used strategies among the respondents. Three normality tests using histograms, skewness and kurtosis value, and Q-Q graphic plot were examined to check the distribution of data. The results indicated that there was a normal distribution of data. Therefore, the Pearson’s Correlation Test was examined to look at the relationship between learning strategies and attitudes. Based on the Pearson’s Correlation Test, there is a strong relationship between the learning strategies used and the learner’s attitude in learning language in an online learning environment. The study contributes to the planning of teaching materials and in identifying the most suitable teaching methods by language teachers.
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