International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


An Implementation of Reward System to Improve on Employee’s Motivation

Open access
As industries evolve, the need for a larger workforce becomes apparent. However, ensuring high employee performance is essential to maintain the quality of work produced. Employee performance directly affects their motivation, making it crucial to address issues that hinder performance and motivation. This study aimed to investigate the implementation of reward systems to improve employee motivation at Company A. The focus was to identify reward types that effectively motivate employees to excel in their roles. The intervention plan consisted of two (2) cycles. The first cycle involved providing employees with a non-financial reward, specifically a family day event, while the second cycle implemented other types of non-financial rewards in the form of celebrating employees' birthdays in the workplace. The research design utilized a combination of qualitative and semi-quantitative data collection methods. This research anticipates that implementing reward systems positively contributed to employee motivation, ultimately resulting in improved performance levels. By using interviews and surveys a mixed-method approach was applied. Thematic analysis and the Social Sciences Statistical Package (SPSS) were then used to interpret and analyse the findings. As a result, the reward system that was implemented in this organization was found to be significant based on the result generated by Thematic analysis and paired samples t-test analysis. Family days and employees’ birthday celebrations also improve ties between employers and staff since they get to socialize and have fun together instead of just working. Finally, this study also discussed its implications, limitations and recommendations for future researchers.
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