This study critically examines the role of the performance management system within local government structures in Ghana, with a specific focus on the Local Government Service. As Ghana grapples with concerns about declining productivity in the public sector, especially in light of the substantial financial commitment to public salaries, understanding the efficacy of the performance management system becomes imperative. The research identifies and scrutinizes challenges facing the current system, including issues such as limited resources, capacity constraints, inconsistent implementation, and varying levels of commitment. The primary objectives of the study are to pinpoint these challenges and propose viable solutions to fortify the existing performance management framework. The findings of this research are poised to make a substantial contribution to the body of knowledge regarding local government performance management in Ghana. By dissecting the strengths, weaknesses, and potential areas for improvement, the study provides a nuanced understanding that can inform policymakers and stakeholders. Furthermore, the research lays the groundwork for targeted interventions and policy reforms, aiming to bolster the overall performance management structure. This, in turn, is expected to enhance governance and service delivery at the local government level, aligning activities and resources with the needs and priorities of the communities they serve.
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