English Language Learning (ELL) stands as a pivotal subject in worldwide education, gaining increasing significance in the landscape of 21st-century learning. The integration of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in ELL, particularly from early childhood, has been a focal point. Nonetheless, a knowledge gap persists concerning the challenges and possibilities linked to the incorporation of Digital Storytelling (DST) within the Malaysian educational context. This conceptual paper explores the transformative role of DST as a catalyst for advancing ELL in the Malaysian educational landscape. Through an analysis of the global and Malaysian context, the paper sheds light on the unique opportunities and challenges associated with implementing DST in ELL. Additionally, it delves into the impact of DST on language skills, creative thinking, and critical analysis, offering insights that resonate with the goals of the Malaysian Education Blueprint and align with the aspirations of Sustainable Development Goal 4. The findings contribute to the ongoing discourse on effective strategies to enhance language education, particularly within the diverse and multicultural framework of Malaysia.
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