International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Presenting Performance Sample of Resistive Economy in Islamic Azad Universities of Kerman Province in 2013

Open access
This study aims to present sample of performing resistive economy. Research questions were designed and studied in two areas of universities and community regarding to dimensions of resistive economy. In purpose research methodology belongs to developmental and application researches and in nature and method to descriptive researches for which needed data is gathered by library studies and field method. Statistical society of the research includes all 550 members of scientific commission in Islamic Azad Universities of Kerman city from which 146 people were selected as a sample according to statistical formula. Information gathering instrument was a researcher-structured questionnaire containing two parts; in the first part weight of resistive economy components in universities was determined by respondents and in second part resistive economy components were evaluated in community. Validity of questionnaire structured for factors related to resistive economy in universities was calculated 0.83 and validity of factors related to resistive economy in community was 0.89. Reliability coefficient of questionnaire structured for resistive economy’s components in universities was calculated 0.9032 and reliability of resistive economy’s components in community was 0.9322. To analyze data, methods of descriptive and inferential statistics such as single-sample T-test and freedman test were used. This information was analyzed by SPSS software. Studying results shows that all components are as resistive economy’s factors in university and community. Factor of paying attention to the item of entrepreneurship followed by relying on knowledge-centered economy, paying attention to knowledge-based firms, consumption management and maximum use of time and resources, is in highest priority of setting this theory in compared with other factors. Also comparing average degrees in setting resistive economy within society shows that factor of diplomacy system’s motion followed by supporting economic actors, reforming educational system, fast reaction of economic system to enemy’s attacks, crusade lifestyle, fulfillment of public economy, centralized command, economic observing and exact statistics, conservation and reforming publicity system is in highest priority in compared with other factors.