The use of web applications at Polytechnic Mukah Sarawak (PMU) involves not only teaching and learning but also the management of the institution. MS Team is fully utilized during COVID-19 among staff and students to facilitate discussion, teaching, and learning sessions. Nonetheless, one of the difficulties that academics and students encounter is internet networking. MS Teams are still used by staff where internal and foreign meetings are held. As a result, this study is being conducted to investigate the relationships between the factors that impact the adoption of Microsoft Teams among PMU instructors. Data were collected in the first quarter of 2022 using a purposive sample approach, and 103 respondents satisfied the study's requirements. The partial Least Squares Structural Modelling approach was used to analyse the data. According to the data processing results, Facilitating Conditions (FC) and Perceived Ease of Usage (PEOU) were significant and had a good influence on the adoption of MS Team among PMU instructors. The implications of these findings are that MS Teams should be improved and maintained for facilitating teaching and learning, meetings, and others.
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