Inheritance distribution in Islam is ruled under the law of fara’id, Every Muslim must abide to the law and distribute inheritance towards legal heirs accordingly. The distribution of deceased estates is made per the teachings of al-Qur’an and the explanation by the sunnah of the Prophet (SAW). However, in some Muslim countries, the method of dividing inheritance is more influenced by customary practices than religious teachings. Thus, the teaching of Islam in relation to the distribution of properties is not fully abided by the Muslims. For some communities, religious affairs are more focused on worship per say, daily affairs and succession of wealth are more on tradition and culture. While in reality, the Islamic teachings are comprehensive in all aspects of life. This study aims to examine the application of sharia regarding the distribution of inheritance among certain Muslim communities in the world. This research work used a qualitative approach by referring to secondary sources such as materials like journals, conference papers, articles, sampled cases of law courts and library-based documents. The study found out that, despite the wide acceptance of Islam in many countries, traditional practices of inheritance are still being mingled with the Islamic inheritance system. This difference in practice occurs due to religious awareness and limited knowledge about faraid law. Therefore, it recommends that the Muslim must follow the teaching of the law fully. Any incompliances of the law must be made in the form of takharuj, where some heirs reject their rights voluntarily and with full of awareness.
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