International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Factors Influencing Implementation Of Just In Time Procurement in Public Institutions: A Case of Office of the Attorney General and Department Of Justice

Open access
Procurement is an important aspect of all public institutions within government. This explains why over 60% of exchequers budget is appropriated through procurement in Kenya. There is however a continued concern over the implementation of Just in Time procurement in government institutions in Kenya. This study therefore was set out to establish the factors that influence the implementation of Just in Time procurement in public institutions. The study also sought to examine recommendations on ways to enhance Just in Time procurement in these institutions. From the literature review a number of studies revealed that the factors influencing the implementation of JIT vary from one institution to another. The factors considered in this study were: lead time, procurement processes, professionalism and top management support. The objectives were to determine the factors that influence the implementation of Just in Time procurement in the Office of Attorney General and Department of Justice which include lead time, procurement processes, procurement professionalism and top management support. The target population was the staff, the suppliers and the senior procurement officers. Both staff’ and suppliers were randomly selected based on their gender, user Departments and on the number of items they deal in respectively. Questionnaires and interviews were used to collect data. The data collected was for the interviews and analyzed qualitatively for the interviews and quantitatively for the questionnaires using SPSS. The study revealed that long lead times, rigid procurement procedures, unprofessionalism and top management ambivalence are the major causes of slow implementation of Just in Time procurement in the public institutions, hence need to be addressed. This could be done by reducing the turnaround period, improve communication with all the stakeholders, employ professional qualified procurement staff and change inventory methods. Based on the findings the following recommendations were made: that long lead times can be reduced through automation, harmonize the Public Procurement and Disposal Act to serve local needs, train user Departments on pre-requisites of requisitioning and documentation in order to minimize rejections. Procurement plans must be harmonized based on their cost-benefit analysis so as to achieve value for money; The choice of procurement method, sourcing for bidders; evaluation processes and appraisal of suppliers to be expedited diligently to avoid return of funds to the treasury; Top management must embrace and appreciate implementation JIT because it reduces the cost of doing business, adds value for money while enabling them achieve their mission and vision in their strategic plans. Public institutions ought to increase employee’s involvement for purposes of service delivery.