This study examines the factors influencing backpackers’ revisit intention, in the case of Stadhuys and A’Famosa, Melaka. Backpackers are independent travelers who appreciate conserving money, taking longer holidays, having more control over their schedules, meeting locals, and partaking in both group and individual activities while away from home. For certain individuals, backpacker is closely related with revisiting or returning to the place within an anticipated time of 6 months or longer. A sample of 80 backpackers’ data had been collected by using a self-administered questionnaire. The study area had been conducted in popular Heritage Sites in Melaka which are Stadhuys and A’Famosa. As popular tourist spots, Stadhuys and A'Famosa attract backpackers from various backgrounds and nationalities. This study is a non-probability sampling which used convenient and judgmental sampling techniques. Results indicate that memorable tourism experience is the most critical factor in determining a backpacker's desire to revisit a destination. Interestingly, the relationship between authenticity experience and revisit intention is rejected. This is due to the backpackers did not feel the authenticity of the buildings is the major factor they will return. Additionally, the finding showed weak linear link exists between Memorable Tourism Experience, Authenticity, Food Culture Experience, Backpackers Friendly Environment, and Revisit Intention. Recognizing these factors enables tourism providers and destination management organizations to enhance their offerings and cater to the preferences of backpackers, ensuring the continued success of backpacker-oriented tourism.
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