International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


The Concept of Tabayyun in Dissemination of Information Through Mass Media

Open access

Ahmad Yumni Abu Bakar, Farahdina Fazial, Sakinatul Raadiyah Abdullah, Nurul Husna Mohd Taher, Noor Hidayah Kasim, Md Saufi Abdul Hamid

Pages 2630-2642 Received: 12 Nov, 2023 Revised: 15 Dec, 2023 Published Online: 18 Jan, 2024
In today's modern era of high technology, defamation can easily spread through mass media such as the Internet, Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, etc. In this era of globalization, people can easily access all kinds of information at their fingertips through the internet and gadgets. Most of the online news and information must be researched, screened, and reviewed before being disseminated to the public. The big problem people face today is researching before giving it to the community about fake news, provocation, controversy, etc. Finally, it becomes an endless polemic and will disrupt the stability and order of politics, economy, society, and the country. Therefore, this paper aims to debate the concept of tabayyun in disseminating information using Mass Media. This paper will also identify the principles of Tabayyun and arguments from the Qur'an and Al-Hadith in the use of mass media. In addition, this paper will analyze the implications of neglecting the Tabayyun principle in the use of mass media. Research methods include information acquisition techniques through previous studies based on qualitative sources and libraries. The principles of the Tabayyun concept in this study can help all levels of society in Malaysia to identify an authoritative source of information.
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