International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Virtual Leadership and Teacher’s Work Wellbeing: The Mediating Roles of Technostress

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This study aims to assess the technostress as mediators in the relationship between virtual leadership and teacher’s work wellbeing among primary school teachers in Sabah. This quantitative study involved 427 respondents among primary school teachers in Sabah. Analysis using Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) in IBM-SPSS-AMOS 24.0 software. This study found that technostress is a mediator in the relationship between virtual leadership and teacher’s work wellbeing among teachers in Sabah. The findings of the study also found that all the direct and indirect paths are significant. It can be concluded that the type of mediation that occurs in this model is partial mediation. The study's findings can help policymakers improve the national education system by providing a clearer direction.
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