International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Online Learning: Is There a Relationship between Learning Performance with Flexibility

Open access

Mazlan Che Soh, Nur Zafifa Kamarunzaman, Zurina Md Nen, Nur Ain Yaacob, Noor Hanim Rahmat

Pages 2457-2472 Received: 19 Nov, 2023 Revised: 21 Dec, 2023 Published Online: 24 Jan, 2024
The study examines the effects of online learning and the relationship between learning performance with flexibility and study-life balance. The research objectives ask: first, how do learners perceive their flexibility during learning; second, how do learners perceive their study-life balance during online learning; third, how do learners perceive their learning performance during online learning; and fourth, is there a relationship between learning performance with flexibility and study-life balance? This study applied a quantitative method with a distribution of questionnaires to the respondents. The survey consists of five sections. Section A has items on demographic profiles. Section B has nine items on flexibility. Section C has 10 items on study-life balance. Section D has 10 items on learning performance, and Section E has nine items on support strategies. A purposive sample of 207 students from Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM) participated in this study. The findings reveal a highly significant relationship between online learning and learning performance, flexibility, and study-life balance. The study’s implication is crucial to educators and students as it can help mitigate any issues and challenges they face in online learning relating to these three attributes.
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