This conceptual paper explores the challenges faced by homestay entrepreneurs in Sabah, Malaysia, and their utilization of social media marketing as a strategy to overcome these challenges. The study focuses on the dynamic landscape of the homestay program in Sabah and its impact on entrepreneurial success. It also examines into the critical role of social media marketing in enhancing the visibility and profitability of homestay businesses. This study reveals a fluctuating income trend within the Sabah Homestay program. The challenges faced by homestay entrepreneurs are complex, encompassing issues like lack of marketing and promotion, lack of training, lack of commitment of the community, lack of funding, lack of tourist and withdraw from homestay program. The study focus on solving SDG goals 1, end poverty. This study employs a quantitative approach to investigate the relationship between the use of social media marketing and the success of homestay entrepreneurs in Sabah, Malaysia. It uses purposive sampling to select 391 participants from the Ministry of Tourism, Arts, and Culture's homestay directory in 2023. Data will be collected through a survey questionnaire based on previous research, utilizing a 5-point Likert scale. The theoretical framework for the study is based on the Resource-Based View (RBV) theory. The paper also emphasizes the importance of government support, educational institutions, and industry associations in providing training, financial assistance, and community involvement to bolster the homestay sector. Additionally, recommendations are made for enhancing English language proficiency among homestay entrepreneurs to effectively engage international tourists through social media. In conclusion, this study sheds light on the challenges and opportunities within the Sabah Homestay program, offering valuable insights for both scholars and practitioners. By addressing these challenges and harnessing the power of social media marketing, homestay entrepreneurs can contribute to the growth of the local economy while providing unique cultural experiences to tourists.
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