Local knowledge is found in communities and consists of a set of accumulated experiences that provide information regarding a community's cultural and behavioural characteristics. This study therefore aims to Role and Challenges of Local Knowledge Management among the Minangkabau Community. The study used qualitative instruments with 12 leaders, namely: traditional leaders, religious leaders, and community leaders. Qualitative research data analysis is through NVIVO 14. As for the qualitative findings from structured interviews, the role of local knowledge management through maintaining cultural identity, sustainable use of resources, solves local problems, and Local economic development. Challenges of local knowledge management among the Minangkabau community are oral tradition, information storage media, modernization, acculturation, knowledge owner, and foreign culture. This research will contribute to communities' local knowledge management for future generations to understand and appreciate traditional knowledge and generate the Minangkabau community's socio-economy and knowledge development.
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