International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Acceptance of Cashless Society among Indigenous Youth: A Qualitative Analysis

Open access

Nur Filzah Zainuddin, Idris Osman, Suhailah Kassim, Mohd Zailani Othman, Suraya Hamimi Mastor, Nurul Hidayah Mat Zain

Pages 2195-2212 Received: 12 Nov, 2023 Revised: 15 Dec, 2023 Published Online: 18 Jan, 2024
Youth drive growth in cashless payments, but rural youths show less acceptance. Scholarly research on indigenous youths' acceptance of cashless payments is lacking. This study aims to examine acceptance behaviour of cashless payments among indigenous youth in rural areas and identifies strategies to increase their usage. A qualitative study was adopted through focus group discussions conducted with indigenous youth residing in Sungai Siput, Perlop 3, Perak, Malaysia. The informants' responses were analysed using manual methods and content analysis software (NVivo 12). The results revealed that indigenous youth have a moderate cashless use intention. Due to its convenience and comfort, they preferred cashless payment options. Due to cashless payment ignorance and limited internet availability, many informants chose cash. They hesitated due to money loss concerns and a lack of cashless transaction experience, underlining trust as a big problem. This study understands indigenous youths’ particular demands and preferences and recommends cashless payment solutions targeted to them. The study provides personalized suggestions, enhances user engagement and happiness, empowers indigenous youth with financial education, and fosters a supportive knowledge-sharing network. More importantly, it enables indigenous youth in Malaysia to comfortably use cashless payments, maximize digital transactions, and build an inclusive and empowered cashless society.
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