The study of co-creation in higher education context is characterized by a dearth of precision. Educational institutions are preoccupied with the expansion of student loyalty. The aim of this study was to investigate the impact of student value co-creation on student loyalty, using the Stimulus-Organism-Response (S-O-R) framework as a theoretical framework. As the size of the entire population was unknown, judgmental sampling was utilized to select samples for this study. In total, 314 respondents from ten private higher education institutions (PHEIs) in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, participated in the analysis. Structural equation modeling was employed to analyze the data using SmartPLS 4 software. The study employed bootstrapping to examine the relationship between student value co-creation and student loyalty, with institutional green image serving as the mediator. The findings of the present study revealed a positive correlation between student loyalty, institutional green image, and student value co-creation. Nonetheless, value co-creation and student loyalty are positively mediated by institutional green image. The implications of these findings were deliberated. Therefore, exploring many sectors that necessitate development in future study is of utmost importance. Examining other variables that influence student loyalty may yield beneficial outcomes. Despite this, it is essential to recognize that the present study is restricted by its confined survey design, which may have omitted some relevant data.
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