Referral is one of the textual cohesion techniques, and cohesion in linguistic studies refers to the integration between components of a single text, where relationships exist between each element and the rest of the parts, forming a unified fabric. This is a criterion of the science of textual syntax. Demonstrative Referral includes various forms, such as repetition, pronoun Referral, Referral by demonstrative noun, and appositional Referral. Referral is a phenomenon that significantly impacts textual cohesion and the integration of its components. It is governed by the relationship between antecedents and subsequent elements, or vice versa. This phenomenon involves linguistic elements referring to other elements. It arises through the relationship between the feedback elements on one hand, and the other elements to which these feedback elements refer on the other hand, whether mentioned within the text or found outside of it. This research aims to explore the role played by demonstrative noun Referral in Surat Al-Anbiya' and its impact on understanding the verses of the Surat. The research will discuss the importance of textual syntax, the concept of Referral, and its relation to textual cohesion. It will also examine the influence of textual cohesion techniques on understanding the text. Furthermore, it will provide a detailed analysis of the patterns of demonstrative noun Referral in Surat Al-Anbiya', highlighting its impact on comprehension. The research employs a descriptive-analytical methodology, describing the phenomenon and subsequently linguistically and semantically analyzing it. The research yields several conclusions, including that demonstrative nouns serve as internal and textual links, contrary to some scholars' view that they only serve as internal sentence links. Demonstrative nouns also establish links to both distant and nearby elements, contrary to what some have posited. In Surat Al-Anbiya', demonstrative nouns function as referring and linking elements, taking on twelve diverse patterns of singular and plural forms. The research also reveals the tendency of the Arabic language toward conciseness and brevity when possible, showcasing linguistic prowess, just as Ibn Jinni mentioned. This trend is highlighted in the practical section, where the impact of demonstrative nouns in achieving conciseness and brevity in the text becomes evident.
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