In the intricate tapestry of matrimony, the delicate threads of finance are often woven into the fabric of a couple's life. As we navigate the labyrinth of financial responsibilities, it becomes increasingly crucial to explore the perspective of Islam on the younger generation, known as Generation Z, and their approach towards monetary matters in marriage. Islam, a religion that embraces balance and moderation, offers timeless wisdom on financial matters within the sacred institution of marriage. The research methodology is quantitative and qualitative. The design used for this research is survey research. Sarawak has been chosen as a sample of this study. The participants that join this study is those who are married and from Generation Z between the age of 20-24. With the composition of 65 female and 65 male, there are 130 total of participants that join this study. The research objective of this study is, (1) To investigate the implications of women earning more than men and the importance of providing nafaqah in Islamic societies, (2) To investigate the impact of prenuptial agreements on gender roles and expectations regarding financial contributions and household expenses in marriage, (3) To assess the prevalence and nature of financial disagreements in intimate relationships and their association with individual stress levels and well-being, (4) To investigate whether financial stress can cause divorce rate increase. The findings of this study shown in 7 pie charts, first and second pie chart related to the first research objective while third and fourth is from second research objective, and fifth and sixth findings is from third research objective. Last but not least, seventh findings is from the fourth research objective. As conclusion, this research find out that financial planning in marriage is important.
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