With the growth of the global population and the emergence of environmental problems such as rising global temperatures, energy shortages and excessive carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions have become increasingly prominent as bottlenecks to sustainable development. As a high energy-consuming and high-emissions industry, the manufacturing sector is under pressure from the government, society, customers, and other stakeholders to achieve sustainability and green transformation. In China, equipment renewal and technological transformation are vital to promote the transformation and upgrading of the manufacturing sector. In the context of China's manufacturing industry, it is therefore worth exploring whether the adoption of green supply chain management (GSCM) practices can help improve corporate sustainability. In this study, determining the dimensions of GSCMPs is also another goal. The study results show that green purchasing (GP), eco-design (ECO), internal environmental management (IEM), cooperation with customers (CC), and investment recovery (IR) are the five dimensions most concerned by the implementation of GSCM practices in the manufacturing industry. This paper comprehensively reviews and analyzes existing research on GSCM practices in the manufacturing industry to provide some insights for scholars and practitioners and make recommendations for a future research agenda.
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