In K to 12 Basic Education Program under the Department of Education (DepEd), all academic tracks except STEM have no Basic Mathematics in their curriculum. Basic Mathematics is offered in the STEM curriculum which includes General Mathematics, Basic Calculus, and Pre-Calculus wherein the topics are interconnected to Calculus 1. Based on the records from the College of Engineering office, almost half of the enrolled students in Engineering programs for the school year 2018-2019 failed Calculus 1. The study aimed to determine the performance of first-year engineering students in Basic Mathematics, the percentage rate of students passing Calculus 1, the significant difference in the performance of STEM Graduates to Non-STEM Graduates in Engineering Mathematics, and techniques and methods to bridge the gaps in enhancing the performance in Basic Engineering Mathematics of the incoming first-year students.
Data showed that among 197 students enrolled in Calculus 1, only 104 students passed. An online questionnaire via Google Form was also conducted to determine the insights of the students regarding their performance in mathematics courses taken in Senior High School coupled with assessment/test questions check their knowledge and skills acquired. One of the main factors that affect students' level of understanding of the SHS Curriculum is the lack of foundation and knowledge on the major subjects, specifically Basic Mathematics. An enhancement program to bridge the gap in mathematics is highly necessary by conducting summer classes in basic engineering mathematics for STEM and Non-STEM students.
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