TikTok has emerged as a transformative force in the rapidly evolving digital landscape, reshaping marketing strategies and consumer behaviour. In order to examine the intricate interactions between perceived information quality, social presence, trust, satisfaction, and customer buy intentions inside TikTok Live purchasing, this study adopts the Stimulus-Organism-Response (S-O-R) model. Beginning with an overview of the evolving e-commerce scenario, the paper underscores the significance of TikTok's interactive features and their impact on consumer engagement. Employing a conclusive research design with a descriptive approach, the study aims to unravel the nuanced of consumer perceptions in this dynamic context. The data collection involves surveys administered through digital platforms, allowing for comprehensive insights. The collected data will undergo analysis using Structural Equation Model, encompassing descriptive summaries and inferential statistics. By examining the relationships between the identified variables, the study contributes valuable insights into the domains of social commerce and digital marketing. Ultimately, this research sheds light on the intricate mechanisms that shape consumer intentions on TikTok Live, offering a deeper understanding of the factors that drive purchasing behaviours in the modern digital landscape.
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