This study examines the influential role of social media reviews, particularly focusing on the prominent social media platform, RED. Through the application of the Stimulus-Organism-Response (S-O-R) Model and Elaboration Likelihood Model (ELM), the research aims to dissect the mechanisms by which food-related review content shapes and influences the food-related purchasing intentions. An in-depth exploration is undertaken to highlight the complex dynamics of electronic word-of-mouth (e-WOM) and its impact in steering users towards or away from specific culinary tourism destinations. Moreover, an integrative approach is adopted to unveil the symbiotic relationship between digital content and users’ level of food involvement. The interplay between these elements is analyzed to glean comprehensive insights into the multifaceted decision-making processes of food travelers. By establishing a comprehensive theoretical framework, this study aims not only to contribute significant academic insights but also to offer practical implications for industry stakeholders.
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