Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) face numerous challenges, such as limited resources and difficulties accessing funding through traditional channels. Crowdfunding, with its collaborative approach via social media platforms, emerges as a promising alternative for these ventures. This study conducts a systematic literature review (SLR) to identify crowdfunding participation predictors and develops a valid Crowdfunding in Social Media Users’ Questionnaire (CSUQ) to assess crowdfunding participation via social media. The content validity of the measurement instrument is rigorously evaluated using the Content Validity Index (CVI). The research findings reviewed the measuring items in the questionnaire through the content validity and discovered that the items measured are valid in which the index value meet acceptable levels, and that the questionnaire's scale has thus attained an acceptable level of content validity. The current study sheds light on the important components and constructs as the measuring items in the study for providing comprehensive models and frameworks for the crowdfunding participation intention through social media.
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