Attrition in education is a major issue in higher education. Globalization has increased the mobility of international students, prompting higher global competition. HEIs must prioritize improving services to compete in higher education. The study aims to understand international students' learning needs, expectations, and experiences comprehensively. This study seeks to examine the link between service quality and student retention in private higher education institutions in Malaysia. In this study, SERVQUAL service model with compliance dimension is used. This research employed a positivist ontology, empirical epistemology, and quantitative methods. This study explores the link between service quality and student retention. Data for this study will be collected from China students studying at private universities in West Malaysia. To measure the service quality's impact on student retention in private higher education institutes in Malaysia, the study analysed the necessity of improving higher education services for retaining China students. The respondent for this study is China students who studying in private higher education institutions in Malaysia. The sample size is generated from G*Power software. An online survey will be conducted. The data will be processed and analysed by IBM SPSS version 29 and Smart-PLS version 4-3 to construct relationship and predictive power of the structural model.
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