Many gamification initiatives fail primarily because they do not adopt a clear and suitable framework that would save the purpose of the task. Gamification is applied in many contexts, of which the library is not an exception, thus applying game elements to users’ engagement in a non-game setting. This study aims to design a framework that will guide system librarians in gamifying e-library services (ELS) for users’ engagement in higher institutions in order to increase library patronage. In this research, four major tools that guide designers in gamifying a system were discussed. The study adopted frameworks including the D6 design framework, the lean model canvas, and the EMPAMOS canvas framework. In designing a framework as a tool to guide librarians and information technologists in gamifying ELS, the EMPAMOS design framework served as a foundation, combined with some items in the lean gamification model and D6 design process framework. The study gamification framework for ELS was presented in the form of a canvas for visual representation of the tool and contains two phases with seven blocks. It was explained in detail for proper application in an e-library context. Furthermore, the study suggested that future research pays close attention to the framework and develop a prototype that would be evaluated by experts in a library setting.
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