As a multi-religious and multicultural country, Indonesia has shown a peaceful face with its plurality in accordance with the motto of Bhineka Tunggal Ika. But on the other hand, it cannot be denied that there is a potential for conflict and even friction to violence in the reality of religious life. This potential arises due to the attitude of not being able to accept differences in interpretation, understanding so that they claim and blame each other. So a moderate attitude becomes important to implement in an effort to create religious harmony. Islamic moderation is the solution to extremism and radicalism (including terrorism) in the name of religion. Recently, the government has continued to narrate the wasathiyah attitude or religious moderation carried out by the Ministry of Religious Affairs. What is done is part of a continuous and consistent effort to create a more harmonious religious and inter-religious life by promoting the spirit of the middle way, balance, proportion and tolerance. Of course, the concept of Islamic moderation that is raised is inseparable from religious normative sources including interpretations of religious texts. Al-Quran and Tafsirnya is a tafsir book produced from the basis of power space, in this case the government, which involves many Muslim scholars and scholars. This tafsir was compiled collectively with a team appointed by the Decree of the Minister of Religious Affairs. This research is a literature review with a qualitative descriptive method that explores the concept of wasathiyah, its values and characteristics in the Quran and its Tafsir. That the value of wasathiyah contained in the interpretation of the verses can certainly be a guide to be implemented in religious life so that a harmonious life can be created and minus the conflict between religious communities in Indonesia.
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