International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


A Study of Social Environmental Support and Turnover Intention among Rural Primary School Teachers in China

Open access
The quality of education in rural areas is negatively impacted by teacher attrition. An in-depth study of the issue of rural teacher turnover intention is of great significance to the promotion of educational equity. The main research objective is to identify the level of social environmental support and turnover intention of rural primary school teachers in China. The current study utilizes a quantitative survey methodology. Simple random sampling was used to select 132 rural primary school teachers in Pingyin County. The survey instrument was developed based on prior research. Questionnaires were distributed among participants, and data analysis was performed using SPSS version 27.0 to derive the mean, standard deviation, and frequency. The findings of this study indicate that there is a medium level of turnover intention among rural teachers. In terms of social environmental support, respondents acknowledged that their satisfaction with the social support they received from family and supervisors was lower than that of their peers, the majority of teachers expressed a moderate level of social environmental support. The findings enrich knowledge about turnover intention among rural teachers and inspire us to create a more supportive atmosphere to meet teachers’ working needs and reduce the turnover rate.
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