International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Evaluating the Impact of IT on University Students of Bahawalpur with Special Reference to Free laptop Distribution by Govt. of Punjab

Open access
The aim of this research paper is to evaluate the impact of IT and laptop distribution scheme of Punjab Government in order to encourage the students to perform better in their higher education studies. The major objective of this study is to physical health, performance in class, and routine life. This study conducted with the sample size of 70 students from The Islamia University of Bahawalpur. Data analyzed through SPSS and frequency distribution table. The results indicate Impact of IT has been evaluated many times and lots of literature is available on this topic but this study is unique in a way that it is specially focusing on free laptop distribution recently initiated by govt. of Punjab to encourage and help students in their higher education. Following are the key points of this study: The study investigated three different dimensions of impact of IT which are physical health, performance in class and routine life. Three hypotheses about these variables were studied and study circulates around those hypotheses. IT has a negative impact on physical health of students and the impact s more significantly observed after laptop distribution maybe due to excessive usage. IT has very positive impact on performance of class of students and after having laptops this impact was more significantly observed. IT really impacts routine life of students but no significant change was observed after receiving laptops.