The port is part of a supply chain whereby around 50% of the volume of international trade in goods is carried by sea, and the percentage is even higher for most developing countries. The expansion of trade demand specialisation in cargo handling enhances the role of ports in fulfilling the market demand. As the Muslim population is projected to grow 26.4% from the world’s total projected population of 8.3 billion by 2030, halal awareness and concern are increasing gradually. Standards development plays a significant role in providing guidelines for implementing halal initiatives. In Malaysia, the halal standard for logistics operation is MS2400 which describes the requirements for halal supply chain management and certification established in 2010. The standards cover main domestic logistics activities, particularly halal transportation, warehousing and retailing. The halal concept is increasingly attracting the attention of businesses. The development of the halal concept for a product has now expanded to include the movement of halal products along the supply chain where halal products can be exposed to the risk of being contaminated which can affect their halal status. Based on the case study approach, this study explored the development of a halal-friendly port in Malaysia to ensure a complete halal supply chain and has linked the halal process as part of sustainability, which shows the relationship between the halal supply chain and sustainability is relevant and important. It is hoped that the study contributes to the improvement of halal implementation in port container operations and portrays the sustainable paradigm that will benefit port operators and examine opportunities for value-added services.
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