This study delves into the intricate interplay between motivating and demotivating factors in the context of learning. Education and skill acquisition are influenced by a myriad of factors that either inspire or hinder learners’ engagement and progress. To gain a comprehensive understanding of the learning process, it is crucial to examine both factors and explore the relationships between these factors. This paper synthesizes existing research and theories to shed light on how motivating and demotivating factors are interconnected and how they contribute to learners’ experiences of burnout. This study adopted a quantitative method survey involving 183 respondents from technical and non-technical courses in a public university in Malaysia. The instrument consists of three sections namely demographic with 3 items, followed by motivation with 24 items and demotivation section with 16 items. Through the quantitative analysis and the conceptual framework, this paper highlights instances where motivating and demotivating factors interact, potentially exacerbating burnout. The analysis of the correlation coefficient (r=.525**) and p-value(p=.000) reveals a significant and strong positive relationship between motivation and demotivation factors in learning. The study’s outcomes provide evidence that learners’ motivation and demotivation factors are not mutually exclusive but are interconnected in a way that warrants careful consideration.
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