International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Factors Affecting Job Placement on the Job Mismatch among Omanis in the Sultanate of Oman: Analytical Perspective

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This paper examines the intricate terrain of job mismatch among recent graduates in the Sultanate of Oman, seeking to unravel the complex array of factors that contribute to this phenomenon. The primary objectives of the study are: firstly, to scrutinize the factors shaping job mismatch; secondly, to assess the impact of varied job search strategies on the occurrence of job mismatch among fresh graduates; and finally, to analyse the role of employability skills specifically, technical skills, soft skills, and social mobility skills in influencing job mismatch outcomes. The research employs a comprehensive framework with independent variables including technical skills, soft skills, social mobility skills, and job search strategies, while the dependent variable is job mismatch. The findings reveal that there is a significant relationship with job mismatch, emphasizing their pivotal role in shaping graduates' alignment with their chosen careers. Notably, any deficiency or weakness in these independent variables can precipitate the occurrence of job mismatch. This paper contributes valuable insights to the field of career development by shedding light on the nuanced interplay between various factors that influence job mismatch in the unique context of Sultanate of Oman. By understanding the intricacies of this phenomenon, policymakers, educators, and employers can collaboratively work towards enhancing the employability and career satisfaction of new graduates, thereby fostering a more harmonious alignment between workforce skills and industry demands.
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