This research explores the dynamics of customer satisfaction within the Fast-Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) sector, leveraging electronic platforms on a global scale. As the FMCG industry evolves in response to digital transformation, understanding customer satisfaction becomes paramount. The study employs a comprehensive approach, analysing data from diverse geographical regions and cultures to provide a holistic global perspective. The research methodology integrates qualitative method and carrying on thematic analysis, encompassing surveys, interviews, and data analytics to unravel nuanced insights. The four key areas of focus in this study are: (1) Customer Behaviour, (2) Electronic Platform Adoption, (3) Product Accessibility, and (4) Communication Strategies. Through a systematic examination of these components, the research aims to identify critical factors influencing customer satisfaction across diverse markets. The findings reveal the impact of electronic platforms on reshaping customer preferences, the role of accessibility in driving satisfaction, and the significance of effective communication strategies. Insights gained from this study can guide FMCG companies in tailoring their electronic platforms to align with customer expectations, thereby fostering a more satisfying and personalized shopping experience. This research contributes to the evolving landscape of customer satisfaction studies by offering a global perspective specific to the FMCG sector. It provides valuable implications for industry practitioners, policymakers, and academics seeking to navigate the intricate intersection of electronic platforms and customer satisfaction in the dynamic FMCG market.
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