In recent years, the rapid growth of social media platforms has transformed the way consumers interact with brands and make purchasing decisions. Among the consumers who have embraced social media wholeheartedly are Chinese students studying abroad, who often act as early adopters of new trends and play a crucial role in shaping consumer behavior. This study investigates the effect of social media sharing behavior on Chinese students' purchase intention, with a specific focus on their experiences as international students in Malaysia. The objective of this research is to contribute to the understanding of how social media sharing behavior influences consumers' purchase intention, using Chinese students in Malaysia as a case study. The study draws upon the theory of reasoned action and the information adoption model to develop a comprehensive conceptual framework that explores the various factors influencing Chinese students' purchase intention through their social media sharing behavior. To achieve this objective, this study adopted a quantitative research methodology by designing a structured quantitative survey questionnaire to collect data from a larger sample of Chinese students studying in various universities in Malaysia. The survey aims to quantify the relationship between social media sharing behavior and purchase intention, as well as to investigate the quality of shared information, the reliability of the letter on the usefulness of the information, and the impact of information adoption on purchase intention. In this study, questionnaires will be designed through different latitudinal variables and distributed and collected online. A total of 209 questionnaires were collected and finally, the data were processed and analyzed using Spss26.0 and Amos software 26.0. Data analysis employs advanced statistical techniques, including structural equation modeling (SEM), to examine the relationships among the variables and test the proposed conceptual model. The quantitative results provide empirical evidence that supports the influence of social media sharing behavior on Chinese students' purchase intention, confirming the significance of social media as a powerful marketing tool to influence consumer behavior.
Specifically, the findings demonstrate that Chinese students' information quality and credibility in social media sharing behavior positively impact their purchase intention. Furthermore, the study identifies the perceived usefulness of shared information and information adoption towards sharing as critical factors in the relationship between social media sharing behavior and purchase intention. In conclusion, this study contributes valuable insights to both academia and marketing practitioners. By focusing on Chinese students in Malaysia as a unique and influential consumer segment, this research provides a deeper understanding of the intricate interplay between social media sharing behavior and purchase intention. The findings emphasize the significance of leveraging social media platforms to engage with this tech-savvy consumer group and encourage them to share product-related information. For marketers targeting Chinese international students, this research offers practical implications for devising effective social media marketing strategies to influence their purchase decisions.
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