In today’s competitive business landscape, digital technology and digitalization are crucial for enhancing a business’s online visibility. This is particularly true for educational services such as preschools. The emergence of the Covid-19 pandemic has resulted in decreased purchase intentions for these services, presenting a challenge that needs urgent attention. The objective of this study is to investigate the factors that could potentially elevate the purchase intention for preschool services within the Malaysian context. To achieve this, a research framework was devised to examine the correlation between social media marketing elements—namely entertainment and interaction—along with trust, perceived value, and purchase intention. Employing a quantitative research approach, data were collected from 200 participants selected through purposive sampling. Participants were invited to complete an online questionnaire aimed at gauging their responses to various marketing strategies. The findings reveal that entertainment, interaction, trust, and perceived value all bear a positive and significant relationship with the purchase intention for preschool services. Capitalizing on these insights, a practical intervention was implemented: creating and maintaining a Facebook page for a particular preschool to bolster its online presence. Throughout the intervention, engaging and relevant content was posted regularly on the page. The outcome was noteworthy. The preschool’s Facebook page notably improved potential consumers' purchase intentions. In conclusion, this study has formulated an effective social media strategy for preschools, demonstrating that a well-managed social media presence can significantly enhance trust, perceived value, and ultimately, purchase intentions among consumers.
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