The COVID-19 pandemic brought about a period of unprecedented uncertainty, marked by swift changes in government leadership and varying reactions among the citizens of Malaysia. This study sought to address the resulting challenges. The central problem was the volatile nature of public sentiment during the pandemic, stemming from sudden shifts in government leadership and mixed reactions from the Malaysian populace. The primary objective of this research was to gauge the level of confidence that the public had in the ruling government during the COVID-19 pandemic and investigate any existing relationships between public acceptance and confidence levels. The study collected 190 valid responses through an online survey conducted in Kuching city, utilizing convenience sampling. The results revealed a noteworthy, positive, strong, and statistically significant relationship between public perception and the level of confidence in the ruling government. Notably, leadership emerged as the most influential factor in shaping public perception and confidence levels. This finding underscores the importance of leadership in determining the public's confidence in the government during crises like the COVID-19 pandemic. In conclusion, this study sheds light on the intricate dynamics of public perception and confidence during the pandemic, emphasizing the pivotal role played by leadership. It offers valuable insights for policymakers and government authorities, providing an opportunity to strengthen public trust and support during times of crisis.
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