Juvenile delinquency denotes unlawful and criminal actions carried out by individuals under the age of eighteen, encompassing a spectrum of offenses from minor transgressions like truancy to more serious crimes such as burglary and violence. Understanding the motivations behind a minor's criminal behaviour is crucial for preventing future offenses. Addressing the underlying circumstances influencing a child's decisions becomes instrumental in guiding behavioural improvements. Minors engaging in unlawful activities may face charges in a juvenile court, leading to potential sentences. The significant concern revolves around why children, who should be experiencing a secure and joyful childhood, attending school, and under familial protection, find themselves entangled in criminal activities. Equally troubling is the question of what awaits these young offenders upon their release and attempts at societal reintegration. Holistic intervention programs are imperative for these individuals, offering educational initiatives and skill-building to facilitate positive reintegration into the community. This approach aims to empower them to become productive adults, steering clear of a recurrence of their transgressions. This study investigates the risk factors influencing Malaysian youth to engage in criminal activities and explores protective factors that can impede their recurrence of offenses. Conducted through a basic qualitative study, the research employed semi-structured interviews with two probation officers in a central state district. Drawing from their experiences, both officers identified various risk factors, including parental disengagement, peer pressure, unfavourable living conditions, and societal indifference, which significantly contribute to youth involvement in criminal activities. Conversely, the study revealed that parents, family, schools, and society at large play pivotal roles in deterring juveniles from criminal behaviours. By shedding light on these factors, the research aspires to deepen our understanding of the dynamics influencing adolescent criminal behaviour and contribute to the prevention of juvenile delinquency.
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