International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Financial Contribution in the Malay Community's Wedding Expenses from a Sharia Perspective

Open access

Syh Noorul Madihah Syed Husin, Tengku Fatimah Muliana Tengku Muda, Zurita Mohd Yusoff, Siti Khatijah Ismail, Normadiah Daud

Pages 1752-1762 Received: 15 Feb, 2023 Revised: 18 Mar, 2023 Published Online: 21 Apr, 2023
The cost of wedding expenses nowadays is increasing due to the desire of people who dream of a luxurious wedding coupled with the increasingly challenging economic situation. If these expenses are not managed properly with a strong wedding expense management strategy, they can have a number of consequences, such as problems with taking on debt before marriage to cover wedding expenses. When people practise helping each other out financially, as Islam encourages, this problem can be lessened. Therefore, this study aims to investigate the custom of giving financial aid to people who are paying for wedding expenses from an Islamic viewpoint. This study discovered that there are two types of financial contributions that take place, namely contributions by spouses and also contributions by family members, through the method of face-to-face semi-structured interviews online with 20 informants who have finished conducting wedding ceremonies from peninsular Malaysia. The male partner's contribution before becoming a husband can help the partner learn how to carry out his role as the family's primary provider. Giving charity to the family is a practise that includes contributions from family members and is strongly encouraged in Islam. The study's findings are anticipated to assist the community in prioritising the practise of making such financial donations in an effort to lessen the burden of high wedding costs.
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