International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Exploring Rural Community’s Knowledge on Child Maltreatment

Open access
Child maltreatment is an epidemic affecting children of all ages, cultural backgrounds, and socio-economic status, influencing both physical and mental health. In general, the attitude of the rural population towards child maltreatment plays a key role in determining their willingness to report such incidents. Therefore, this study was conducted among community members residing in Kampung Skim Sekuau in Sibu, Sarawak to explore their knowledge on child maltreatment. The researcher used an in-depth interview approach to collect data on the rural community’s understanding and knowledge of risk factors that contribute to child maltreatment. The results of the study show that the majority of the respondents are female, aged between 30 and 52 years old, belong to the Iban ethnic group, and work in the government and private sectors. Nevertheless, the findings reveal the risk factors that contribute to child maltreatment, including conflict between spouses, financial hardship, stress, and parental substance abuse. By understanding the rural community's perception of child maltreatment, the trauma associated with such heinous acts can be more effectively addressed through the existing intact support systems for coping resources and prevention measures against child maltreatment.

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