International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


The Impact of Internal Corporate Social Responsibility in Enhancing Competitive Advantage

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Purpose: The aim of this research is to review research on competitive advantage. This study also reviews the dimensions through which internal corporate social responsibility can contribute towards enhancing the competitive advantage. Employee well-being as a dimension of internal corporate social responsibility is reviewed. This study elucidates the research gaps and potential relationships that may explain this theoretical framework.
Design/ Methodology: This study reviewed the literature for the variables of competitive advantage, and internal corporate social responsibility for the last 15 years in management and organizational studies. This review helps identify the gaps that might help explain the further study. Findings: This competitive advantage review, ICSR, creates a gap that is critical to organizations. This demonstrates that organizations engage in ICSR activities based on social exchange theory and a resource-based view that differentiates them from their competitors, leading to an improvement in competitive advantage.
Research Limitations: This research limitation is that only studies conducted within the past 15 years on internal corporate social responsibility and competitive advantage are considered. This study ignores the other variables that can increase competitive advantage in an organization. Another limitation of this review was it considers only studies that used the survey methods. Practical Implications: This review demonstrates that an organization-level policy can be developed to improve the internal social responsibility capabilities of companies as this is a reality as a competitive advantage can now no longer be gained through marketing the products. Originality/ Value: This is the first review that considers employee well-being as an important determinant of internal corporate social responsibility that can be used to enhance the competitive advantage of the firms. This review focuses on the studies that are conducted in the last 15 years around internal corporate social responsibility and competitive advantage.
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