International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


How Does Tiktok Influence the Acquisition of Form and Meaning in Language Use?

Open access
We have entered the era of effortless accomplishment. We want to have maximum gain but minimum effort. Learning a language is not an easy task. Many are taking formal courses to improve on their language usage. Nevertheless, many have benefited incidental learning of mastering a language. This quantitative study is done to explore the influence of TikTok on form and meaning among undergraduates. A purposive sample of 129 participants responded to the survey. The instrument used is a 5 Likert-scale has sections on TikTok motivation, on form and meaning. The survey contains 7 items on TikTok motivation. In addition to that, there are 8 items on form as well as 7 items on meaning. Findings revealed that TikTok does have influence on form and meaning. Findings also showed that there is a positive moderate relationship between TikTok motivation with form as well as meaning. The findings gathered in this study show that TikTok can be used as an alternative to teach and improve language learners’ vocabulary and TikTok videos can be integrated in lesson plans as a complementary material by educators to teach language learners vocabulary.
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